I can hardly believe that I began my endurance running journey (again) 10 years ago this week. It was one of those decisions that has profoundly shaped my life over the last decade. In the fall of 2017 I started running covertly. Going for a short run in the park or neighborhood to see how far I could go without walking. Building up to 3-4 miles and in my head the dream of a half marathon just months away. I signed up for a training program then told the hubby that Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings would be "Mom time" for the next few months. The kids were in Kindergarten and second grade at a new school. My husband had been at his new job working out of town as a firefighter for over a year. I had stopped working at a job where who you knew was more important than the job you did. I needed to feel like me and running has given me that feeling since I was in second grade when you have no idea what runners high is you just feel like you can run forever and even when it...